Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quick Update

Okay guys, I know I haven't updated in over two weeks but there are pretty good reasons

1. Easter weekend, seeing the family and such

2. Our group had another analysis board thing based on the neighborhoods. The group member who put together the board lost her flash drive which contained the only copy of the jpg of the final board so I cannot show it to you guys. Plus, I did demographic stuff on it so there would be no graphics to show from me anyway.

3. I've been working on other homework. I'm trying to finish everything but studio so I can have my full concentration on that. At the moment, I have 2 tests, 1 quiz, and one article to finish. On top of that, I'm in the mid-process of writing 4 papers, all of which I've started writing within the past 10 days or so. I'm getting burnt out with the massive amount of work and it's frustrating when I work on something for hours and have nothing to show for it (no final, finished product).


But I'm close enough to be able to finish all four papers this weekend, hopefully Saturday. I've just been lazy to actually edit them. Then I just have the quiz and tests which will only consume my life for a day or two.

We're starting our final board and drawings for the studio assignment. I have pictures for my three alternatives (different options for the layout of my final) so I should hopefully be posting those this weekend.

I don't know if I'll be able to update every week until the project is finished. I mean, there's only 2 weeks left on the project...oh God...

If all else fails, I'll post after I turn it in and school is out.

I can't believe I'm done in less than a month =D


Nathan said...

Good Luck! I will eventually post on my blog too. As my school year wraps up, I'm getting less busy it seems.We'll see though.

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate how everything is due at the same time? Professors are like, "Oh, don't forget that finals are coming up!! And btw you have 40 papers due!"