Sunday, June 29, 2008


Ack, it has happened to me again.

So this probably occurs 9 months out of the year. The time where my motivation/creativity for writing goes down the drain. I was doing so well too. I started a novel (again) but this time I actually knew the plot and ending. I was even writing it by hand when I couldn't go on the computer, now that is dedication. And then I found/remembered how cool my NaNoWriMo story was from 2007 and started reading that and was amazed by the fact that while writing as much as I could, not looking at grammar/quality, it wasn't half bad.

And then BAM! I think everything sucks. Why does it happen? It's not even writers block, I know what I would write, but I just don't feel like writing. And I can't force myself because nothing goes into the novel, it's just blah.

Maybe it's because of summer. But this is the time to write before school starts, when I'm not busy. Stupid brain. Maybe blogging about it will want to make me write more...hopefully. But still, I would like to know how to happens so I can avoid it? Grrrr

On a completely different note, I found out that the spell checker thing on here just tells you if something is spelled incorrectly. It doesn't show how it should be spelled...yuck.

1 comment:

Hmmm? said...

hmmm...I have similar lapses when I desire to write nothing, but that is usually when I get my feelings hurt. lol.

Are u commin over thursday for the interpretive dance off?