Saturday, May 10, 2008

Entry number 1

So this is my first post. I've actually been wanting to get a blog for the past month or so, I even had some ideas on what to write about. I forget all of them now though. They were good ideas too.

So I'll be posting my thoughts on various issues in the news, what happened to me that day, videos, etc. Anything really. I'll probably only update once a week at the most, that is what usually happens.

So right now I'm writing the story I'm working on. It's going pretty well and I want to write it, I just don't have any motivation. I wonder why that is. Maybe if I got paid to write it or got graded on it, I would try harder. Any takers?

The story is kind of complicated so I won't post what it's about at the moment. That and I'm lazy. And I usually don't like my story about a month or two after I started it. The story I did for last year's NaNoWriMo, I hate it now and I thought it was a really good idea at the time. But who knows. I actually have an ending to this one so maybe it won't be so bad.

1 comment:

Hmmm? said...

I want to read something you have written! Maybe it will inspire me.